Joint pain can be a source of prolonged discomfort which one may have to endure in life. This can affect your daily activities and make you feel depressed. Joint pain specialists in Delhi are daily visited by numerous patients complaining of severe pain and in search of treatments which can provide quick relief.
For you to get the most appropriate treatment, the way you explain your pain to the doctor is important. There are a plethora of options for joint pain treatment in Delhi . But reaching out to the right centre with experienced and skillful professionals whom you can count upon is important.
Read below to understand the importance of accurately describing your joint pain concerns to your treating doctor:
- Joint pain is subjective, without your explaining it may be very difficult for the doctor to know what your pain feels like and how severe it is
- Joint pain can have numerous causes such as like age related wear and tear, injury, trauma, infections etc
- Involvement of multiple joint in the body may require different assessment/investigations than just one isolated joint problem. Treatment options may also differ depending on the actual pathology
- Treatments offered depend on the severity of symptoms, their impact on your life, your age, activity levels and your goals/expectations. There are many treatment alternatives –both non-surgical and surgical, depending on the assessment of the above factors
- These are some important points which may help your doctor to understand and treat your pain better:
- Explain where the pain is; how long you have had the pain and how it started. If possible point the exact place, is it in the knee, ankle or shoulder pain?
- The character of pain can help in narrowing down the possible causes. For example is it aching, burning, shouting or stabbing pain? Is it present all the time?
- Aggravating or reliving factors are equally important- Is it worse when you are walking or at night time when you are trying to sleep. is it when you sit, walk or stand?
- It is important to tell the doctor how the pain affects your daily life. This information is essential as it enables the doctor to have a clear overview of what you are feeling. While describing the impact of pain do not forget about your sleep and mood.
In case the pain is short-term, your doctor may recommend home care like –
- Applying ice or hot compression at the joint several times.
- Avoiding activity that may cause the pain.
- Using a brace to protect the joint.
Various other options are used for Joint pain treatment in Delhi NCR like steroid or hyaluronic acid injections, nerve blocks and radiofrequency treatment. They can all help to ease the suffering and improve your quality of living. Some options are specific to the joints involved. These are mostly combined with medications and physiotherapy to improve outcomes.
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