In recent times Removal of cataract is focused more on making one free from glasses by correcting the eyeglass power for distance, near and intermediate vision alongside with stitchless patchless and injection-free cataract removal. At Ojas Eye Hospital one of the best eye hospital in Mumbai, this surgery is performed with the most advanced IOL’s (intra-ocular lens) for correction of presbyopia (vision for near and far), and astigmatism (correction of cylindrical numbers) and correction of spherical and chromatic aberration.Toric lens implantation is also carried out to correct astigmatism up to ± 0.5 D to 6 D thereby improving the distortion from cylindrical number.The latest technology for microincision phacoemulsification is Torsional phaco which is available at Ojas Eye Hospital in Kandivali & Ojas Eye Hospital in Bandra. Cataract surgery in Mumbai has come up to international standards with the availability of advanced technology laser equipment and specialized intraocular lenses especially toric lenses. Advancement in IOL technology improves Visual functionality by creating customization in IOLs. In a relatively short time, cataract surgery in Mumbai has been transformed from a procedure with significant morbidities and high risk of vision loss to one of the safest and functional procedures in modern medicine.
Tags: best eye hospital in Mumbai, cataract surgery in Mumbai, Ojas Eye Hospital, Cataract Surgery In Mumbai, Best Cataract hospital In Mumbai
For More Information = https://www.ojaseyehospital.com