Showing posts with label Plastic Surgeon in Delhi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Plastic Surgeon in Delhi. Show all posts

Friday, January 10, 2025

Dr. Sachin Rajpal is the best plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Delhi

Dr. Sachin Rajpal is Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon who has achieved the highest qualification in the field of Plastic surgery. He did his MBBS & MS surgery degrees from the reputed medical colleges of India following which he completed his super specialization degree (MCh) Plastic surgery from Safdarjung Hospital, which is one of the leading institute in India.

After achieving his super-specialty degree, he went on to acquire further expertise in various invasive and non-invasive plastic and cosmetic surgical procedures through various trainings & fellowship programs under the leadership of luminaries in field of cosmetic surgery.

Dr. Rajpal is a young, dynamic & enthusiastic plastic surgeon with a humble nature and exhibits great dedication and commitment in his work with an overall experience of over 13 years in surgical specialty. Though the doctor is well versed in Plastic & Reconstructive procedures, he has special focus in field of cosmetic surgery. He has been associated as a Consultant Plastic, Cosmetic & Reconstructive surgeon in various branches of MAX hospital in Delhi for last 5 years. During his tenure he has bagged many awards from hospital for his enthusiastic work and his lovely nature.

He believes that the knowledge and the skills acquired during his extensive surgical training could be used in the path of serving aesthetic needs of his patients to fulfill their desires and to boost their confidence.

Dr. Rajpal is an active member of many professional organizations like Indian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (IAAPS), International society of Aesthetic Plastic surgery (ISAPS), Association of Plastic Surgeons of India (APSI), National academy of burns India (NABI) through which he remains abreast of all the latest advances and techniques in field of cosmetic surgery.

He follows very simple and basic practice philosophy of understanding in depth about patient goals and expectations to plan a successful surgery. He strives to treat each patient to best of his knowledge to deliver patient a satisfactory result. Dr. Rajpal’s biggest satisfaction is when he hears from the patient about how their procedures have enhanced their self-confidence and wellbeing.

Tag = Plastic Surgeon In Delhi, Cosmetic Surgeon In Delhi

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Friday, January 27, 2023

What Is Blepharoplasty Surgery? Explained By The Best Plastic Surgeon

Blepharoplasty or Eye lift, is the surgery of eyelids which helps to give them a more refreshing, awake and youthful. It is usually done on droopy or sagging upper eyelid or there is appearance of bulge in lower eyelid either due to ageing or chronic stress or skin laxity.

Patient who can benefit from eyelid surgery are those who have:

  • Tired looking eyes
  • Hooded eyelids
  • Sagging eyelids
  • Puffiness or puffy bags under the eyes
  • Deep tear trough (under eye hollowness)


In this surgery the excess of eyelid skin and fat are excised so as to give more youthful and refreshing appearance. In case of lower lid surgery, the fatty bulge is corrected either by fat repositioning or limited fat removal which helps in improving the hollowness of under eye region an giving a rejuvenated look.All incisions are made in natural eyelid creases so that scar blends with it easily and fades in due course of time.

TAG-  Blepharoplasty In Delhi, Plastic Surgeon In Delhi, Cosmetic Surgeon In Delhi 

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Botox and Fillers Treatment in Delhi

 Anti aging Treatment in Delhi

Nobody wants to get old and loose his or her beauty, but it is the nature’s cycle which cannot be changed. What best we can do is to age gracefully by either delaying or hiding the signs of aging which to some extent will help us to go on in our fast-paced life with inner confidence.

To defer the signs of aging or to conceal the already appeared signs there are number of procedures which could be either surgical or non-surgical. Also, there are many cosmetic products available which helps to maintain the youthful appearance.

Before selecting any product or procedure we should know that as we grow old or more precisely to say as our tissues grow old, they lose their elasticity and become lax and with the effect of gravity in place they start sagging down giving us an aged look.

There are number of changes which one notice like appearance of wrinkles over skin, hollow appearance due to loss of fat, sagging of skin etc. and depending on the change the treatment is planned.

Commonly sort procedures are:

Anti-wrinkle injections

This medication as the name suggest are injected into the target areas which help to decrease or smoothen out the dynamic wrinkles over face by weakening the underlying hyperactive muscle producing wrinkles, there by giving the smoother appearance of the involved region. This medication is derived from the Clostridium botulinum.

Most common areas treated with this but not limited to are:

  • Forehead lines/wrinkles
  • Frown lines
  • Crow’s feet lines
  • Marionette lines (Corners of mouth)
  • Hypertrophy of cheek muscle (masseter hypertrophy)

Dermal Fillers

These are synthetic material (Hyaluronic Acid compounds) with different consistencies specific for areas which are used to replace the lost tissue volume to give fuller and more youthfulappearance.

Commonly treated area with dermal fillers are:

  • Tear trough area (under eye hollowness)
  • Lip enhancement and definition (Plump lips)
  • Nasolabial folds
  • Cheek enhancement

Fat grafting

Fat grafting has gained much popularity due to the reason of its being natural and harvested from one’s own body, the results are usually permanent and no feeling of foreign body inside. In this the fat is harvested either as a standalone procedure or can be combined with liposuction procedure where fat harvested from area of unwanted fat can be used to fill the area where there is volume loss. Fat need to be processed and liquified before injected. Fat grafting is commonly used for periorbital rejuvenation, cheek volume replacement, depressed scar corrections, hand and feet rejuvenation and many more.

TAG : Botox and Fillers Treatment in DelhiCosmetic surgeon in delhi,Plastic surgeon in delhi

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Monday, December 19, 2022

Hair Transplant Surgery

Getting bald can be very distressing to anybody, and if it happens at an early age it may severely affect your confidence. Hair loss can occur both in men and women though it is more common in men.

One of the most common cause of hair loss in men is androgenic alopecia which is hereditary. Other causes include trauma, chemotherapy, scalp infections, medical conditions and stress.

Hair treatment can be broadly classified into 2 categories:

  • Prevention of hair loss
  • Surgical restoration of hair

Preventive therapy

This therapy is offered to those patients who are in initial stage of hair thinning & falling of hair.

In this patient medical condition, risk factors for hair loss is assessed and treated accordingly. In this line of treatment patient is prescribed multivitamins, hair booster vitamins, topical minoxidil, oral 5 alpha reductase inhibitors. These products can either be prescribed as a monotherapy or in combination depending on severity of hair loss.

PRP (Platelet rich plasma): This procedure is helpful in both preventing hair fall and can also be used as an adjunct therapy after hair transplant for improving the growth of transplanted hairs. In this procedure patient own blood is taken and processed to get the platelet rich plasma which is then injected into the affected area of scalp after numbing it. This PRP has numerous growth factors which helps in prevention of hair fall, improving the thickness of hair and may also help in growth of hair follicles. It is a short procedure and can be done on opd basis. Multiple sitting is required for satisfactory results to be seen.

Hair transplant (Surgical restoration of hair)

Hair transplant is the surgical procedure in which patient’s own hair from back of scalp is harvested and placed in the bald region over front and side of scalp. Hair transplant is offered to those patients who present with chronic hair loss, receded hair line, medically fit patients, in which hair loss has become stable.

As the procedure uses the own natural hair, the transplanted hair grow naturally and the result are permanent. The donor area is chosen from back of scalp as that area has inherent resistance to effect of androgen and do not fall so hairs taken from this area gives permanent results.

Techniques of hair transplant

FUT (Follicular unit transplant): In FUT the strip of hair is taken from back of your scalp and then under microscope small slices of that strip is made and then each follicle is cut and separated. The donor site closed by a special technique of trichophytic closure which leave very thin and fine scar and due to this technique hair regrow through the scar thus leaving almost invisible scar. This advantage of this technique is that we get large number of hair follicles with better yield and chances of trauma to hair roots is minimal as harvesting of follicle is done under vision.

FUE (Follicular unit extraction): In this procedure the donor area on back of your scalp is marked and shaved. Now the special motorized punch is used to core out individual hair follicular unit keeping normal hair in between. Though this technique is propagated as a scar less technique but there are multiple punch holes which are present which gradually heals but may leave small multiple scars.

In case where bald area is large then it may be necessary to combine both FUT and FUE to achieve more no. of follicles. It may sometime be necessary to harvest follicles from beard and neck area.


Once the decision of hair transplant is finalized after all consultations with your plastic surgeon, the procedure is planned which could be either FUT or FUE or combined depending upon requirement. The day of the surgery starts with marking of areas over scalp which need to be transplanted and discussed with the patient.

Hair transplant procedure is a 6-8 hours surgery depending upon the area to be covered. The procedure is done under specially prepared long duration local anesthesia. Once the scalp in anesthetized, the patient is made to lie down in prone position and if FUT is planned then the donor strip is harvested from back of scalp and the donor area is closed very neatly by a special trichophytic closure which has the advantage of barely visible scar after healing. In FUE technique, follicles are harvested from the backside of scalp with help of motorized punch.

Once the hair follicles are harvested, patient is given a break during which time the hair follicles are prepared and separated in the single, double, and triple units. After refreshment patient is made to lie down in supine position and slits are made in proposed area over scalp. Once the follicles are ready for transplantation the transplant of hair is started starting from frontal hair line area and progressing backward. The dressing is applied to the donor area and a band is applied over forehead region to prevent swelling. The patient is discharged on the same day with discharge medications and is reviewed in 3rd day.

What to expect after hair transplant procedure?

After your hair transplant surgery is done there might be some swelling which usually settles in 3-4 days. Sutures if any will be removed in 10 days’ time. You may be given topical medication as well as oral medication for improved hair growth.

One might notice the fall of transplanted hair at around 2 to 4 weeks of transplant but the root of hair remains inside. The new hair growth usually starts from 3rd to 4th month after the procedure and continues to grow till 6-8 months and may take up to 1 year for final results.

TAG- Plastic Surgeon In Delhi, Cosmetic Surgeon In Delhi 

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Sunday, October 9, 2022

Dr. Sachin Rajpal is the best plastic surgeon in Delhi

Dr. Sachin Rajpal is a Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon who has achieved the highest qualification in the field of Plastic surgery. He did his MBBS & MS surgery degrees from the reputed medical colleges of India, after which he completed his super specialization degree (MCh) Plastic surgery from Safdarjung Hospital, one of the leading institutes in India.

Tag - Plastic Surgeon in Delhi, Cosmetic Surgeon in Delhi

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