Showing posts with label Retinal Detachment Treatment in Mumbai. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Retinal Detachment Treatment in Mumbai. Show all posts

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Retinal Detachment Treatment in Mumbai


Knowing The Causes Of RetinalDetachment

Knowing The Causes Of Retinal Detachment

Retinal detachment is a medical emergency condition and lack or delay in treatment may lead to permanent vision loss. The patient should immediately visit the retina surgeon in Mumbai if he experiences the symptoms of retinal detachmentThe condition results in partial loss of vision due to the detachment of the retina from the back of the eye. This results in a lack of essential nutrients to the retina. There are various causes of retinal detachment. Some causes have a direct impact on developing this condition while others act as a contributory factor and increase the overall risk for developing a retinal detachment.

What Are The Various Types Of Retinal Detachment?

Retinal detachment is of the following types:

Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment: This type of retinal detachment occurs when there is a retinal break. The retinal break allows the fluid of the vitreous cavity to flow under the retina leading to detachment of the retina from the choroid. Surgery is required in such type of retinal detachment.

Tractional retinal detachment: The condition is caused due to various factors including diabetes, trauma, sickle cell retinopathy, and Eale’s disease. In this type of retinal detachment, a pre-retinal membrane is formed that pulls the retina from its attachment. The condition requires surgical intervention.

Exudative and serous retinal detachments: This is a less common type of retinal detachment. This type of retinal detachment occurs due to a problem in blood supply or water transport across retinal pigment epithelium.

How Would You Know That You Have Retinal Detachment?

Any change in the vision should be immediately informed to the ophthalmologist and suitable advice and treatment should be taken. Following are some of the symptoms that may occur due to retinal detachment:

The appearance of floaters: Floaters are the clump of cells that may occur due to retinal detachment. However, it is not the exclusive symptom of retinal detachment as floaters may also develop due to other conditions such as vitreous detachment.

Reduced Peripheral vision: People with retinal detachment have reduced peripheral vision. The condition is also known as tunnel vision. The patient has no problem with the central vision; however, the peripheral vision progressively gets reduced.

Flashes of eyes: Flashes of light in the vision of the patient are also another symptom of a detached retina.  This symptom is more pronounced during dim light or in the dark. 
Curtain like a shadow on your vision filed: This is the main difference between the vitreous detachment and retinal detachment. The patient suffering from retinal detachment experiences a curtain on the field of vision.

Blurred vision: The patient with retinal detachment also experiences blurred vision and has a reduced night-time vision.

What Are The Direct Causes Of Retinal Detachment?

Following are the direct causes of retinal detachment:

Hole in the retina: Retina is a continuous sensitive layer attached to its base. Any hole or tear in the retina allows the fluid from the vitreous cavity to flow beneath the retina. This may result in the initiation of retinal detachment.

Fluid accumulation behind retina: In this condition, there is no tear or breakage in the retina. The injury or inflammation in the retina cause accumulation of fluid leading to detachment of the retina from its base.

Contraction of scar tissue: The scar tissue is formed on the retina. This scar tissue contracts the retina leading to its detachment.

The most common cause for retinal detachment is the hole or tear in the retina.

What Are The Contributing Factors For Retinal Detachment?

Following are some of the contributing factors that increase the risk of retinal detachment:

Age: Retinal detachment is commonly seen in people with age greater than 50 years.

Family historyPeople who have a history of retinal detachment in the family are at increased risk for developing this condition.

Underlying conditions: Extremely myopic People are at increased risk of developing a retinal detachment. Risk is also increased in patients with other eye diseases including uveitis, degenerative myopia, lattice degeneration, vitreous detachment, and retinoschisis. People suffering from advanced diabetes or with prolonged uncontrolled diabetes are at increased risk of developing a retinal detachment.

Trauma: People who have suffered either a severe eye injury of a head injury may develop a retinal detachment.

Medical History: People who have suffered from retinal detachment in the past or have undergone ocular surgery are at increased risk for developing a retinal detachment.

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