Friday, December 23, 2022

Keratoconus Treatment In Ghatkopar

 Keratoconus is a vision disorder that occurs when the normally round cornea (the front part of the eye) becomes thin and irregular (cone) shaped. This abnormal shape prevents the light entering the eye from being focused correctly on the retina and causes distortion of vision. It is characterized by para-central corneal thinning and ectasia so that the cornea takes the shape of a cone. Visual loss occurs primarily from myopia and irregular astigmatism and secondarily from corneal scarring. Keratoconus often begins at puberty and most often is seen in teenagers or young adults.

Keratoconus causes distorted vision that cannot be corrected with eyeglasses. Tiny fibers of protein in your eye called collagen help hold your cornea in place. When these fibers get weak, they can’t hold their shape. Your cornea gets more and more cone-like.

It happens when you don’t have enough protective antioxidants in your cornea. Its cells produce harmful byproducts, the same way a car puts out exhaust. Normally, antioxidants get rid of them and protect the collagen fibers. But if levels are low, the collagen weakens and the cornea bulges.


Signs and symptoms of keratoconus may change as the disease progresses. They include:

  • Blurred or distorted vision
  • Increased sensitivity to bright light and glare, which can cause problems with night driving
  • A need for frequent changes in eyeglass prescriptions
  • Sudden worsening or clouding of vision
  • The swelling occurs when the strain of the cornea's protruding cone-like shape causes a tiny crack to develop. The swelling may last for weeks or months as the crack heals and is gradually replaced by scar tissue.
  • Monocular polyopia (perception of multiple ‘ghost’ images in the eye).
  • Streaking and flaring distortion around light sources.
  • Marked anisometropia (difference in vision of two eyes).
  • Photophobia (increased sensitivity to light).
  • Eyestrain, in order to read clearly.

Risk factors

  • Heredity. One in 10 keratoconus sufferers has a close family relative with the disorder.
  • Frequent eye rubbing, especially aggressive “knuckling” eye rubbing.
  • Having a history of asthma, allergies, Ehlos Danlers syndrome, Down’s syndrome

Keratoconus is categorised clinically as:

Latent stage: Latent stage was recognisable by placido disc only.
Early stage: Early stages were subdivided into two categories as:

  • Keratoconus fruste, which entailed 1- to 4-degree deviation of horizontal axis of the placido disc.
  • Early or mild keratoconus, which entailed 5- to 8-degree deviation of horizontal axis.


A family history of keratoconus has been established in some cases. Most researchers believe that multiple, complex factors are required for the development of keratoconus including both genetic and environmental factors.

With the advent of videokeratography to assess family members, however, pedigrees have been analysed. These studies show corneal changes consistent with keratoconus in some family members, which suggest an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance.

Keratoconus may be associated with wide variety of systemic and ocular conditions.

Systemic associations:

  • Atopy (a genetic predisposition to develop an allergic reaction): Eye rubbing seen in systemic atopy may play a role in the development of keratoconus.
  • Down syndrome (Trisomy 21): In Down syndrome (Trisomy 21), frequency of acute hydrops is higher, perhaps because of eye rubbing and/or these patients are treated infrequently with keratoplasty and their disease is allowed to progress further.
  • Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.
  • Marfan syndrome.

Ocular associations:

  • Retinitis pigmentosa.
  • Retinopathy of prematurity.
  • Fuchs’ corneal endothelial dystrophy.
  • Posterior polymorphous dystrophy.

Contributory factors such as:

  • Enzyme abnormalities in corneal epithelium: Enzyme abnormalities such as increased expression of lysosomal enzymes (catalase and cathepsin) and decreased levels of inhibitors of proteolytic enzymes (tissue inhibitor matrix metalloproteinases), may play a role in corneal stromal degradation.
  • Differentially expressed corneal epithelium: Differentially expressed corneal epithelium between keratoconus and myopes (as controls) in both genetic expression and protein expression.
  • Molecular defect: Molecular defect producing unusual absence of water channel protein aquaporin 5 in keratoconus as compared to normal corneal epithelium.
  • Gelatinolytic activity: Gelatinolytic activity in stroma has been described, which may be due to decreased function of enzyme inhibitors.
  • Abnormalities in corneal collagen and its cross-linking: Abnormalities in corneal collagen and its cross-linking may be the cause of keratoconus.
  • Hard contact lens wear.


First is thinning of the corneal stroma then fragmentation of the Bowman layer and the deposition of iron in the basal epithelial cells, forming the Fleischer ring. Folds and breaks in the Descemet’s membrane result in acute hydrops and striae, which produces variable amount of diffuse scarring.

How diagnosis is made?

Certain tests like refraction, keratometry, corneal topography/Computerised videokeratography, ultrasound pachymetry and slit lamp microscopy help in reaching final conclusion.

Computerized videokeratography, which takes pictures of your cornea so a map can be made of the surface while also measuring the thickness of your cornea

Severity of keratoconus depends on shape of cone:

  • Nipple cones
  • Oval cones
  • Globus cones


If your keratoconus is progressing, corneal collagen cross-linking might be indicated to slow or stop the progression. Contact lenses can be used to correct astigmatism and mild near-sightedness. Improving your vision depends on the severity of keratoconus. Mild to moderate keratoconus can be treated with eyeglasses or contact lenses.


  • Hard contact lenses. Hard lenses may feel uncomfortable at first, but many people adjust to wearing them and they can provide excellent vision. This type of lens can be made to fit your corneas.
  • Piggyback lenses. If rigid lenses are uncomfortable, your doctor may recommend "piggybacking" a hard contact lens on top of a soft one.
  • Eyeglasses or soft contact lenses. Glasses or soft contact lenses can correct blurry or distorted vision in early keratoconus. But people frequently need to change their prescription for eyeglasses or contacts as the shape of their corneas change.
  • Hybrid lenses. These contact lenses have a rigid center with a softer ring around the outside for increased comfort. People who can't tolerate hard contact lenses may prefer hybrid lenses.
  • Scleral lenses. These lenses are useful for very irregular shape changes in your cornea in advanced keratoconus. Instead of resting on the cornea like traditional contact lenses do, scleral lenses sit on the white part of the eye (sclera) and vault over the cornea without touching it.

Surgical Interventions

Some form of surgery may become necessary if the cornea progresses in its shape-changing until it is so steep that contacts cannot be tolerated at all.

  • INTACS are described as arc-like and plastic. These pieces are inserted into the center of the cornea to flatten it, thereby making the eye more contact lens-tolerant.
  • Collagen crosslinking (CXL) with UVA is a complex surgery that involves removing the topmost layer of your cornea, adding vitamin drops and then exposing the eye to a special UV lamp that helps the cornea fibers multiply, strengthening the cornea.
  • Corneal transplant surgery is the last resort for most doctors. In this procedure cornea would be removed and replaced with a healthy, normal-shaped cornea. This surgery has a long recovery time, a year or more in some cases, for clear vision.
  • Penetrating keratoplasty. If you have corneal scarring or extreme thinning, you'll likely need a cornea transplant (keratoplasty). Penetrating keratoplasty is a full-cornea transplant. In this procedure, doctors remove a full-thickness portion of your central cornea and replace it with donor tissue
  • Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK). The DALK procedure preserves the inside lining of the cornea (endothelium). This helps avoid the rejection of this critical inside lining that can occur with a full-thickness transplant.

Important Reminder: This information is only intended to provide guidance, not a definitive medical advice. Please consult eye doctor about your specific condition. Only a trained, experienced board certified eye doctor can determine an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment.

To schedule an appointment with our experts for Keratoconus Treatment in Ghatkopar, please call us at +91 8451045935, +91-8451045934 or visit our clinic at Address.

TAG : cornea surgery in mumbaicornea specialist in mumbai, Keratoconus Treatment In Ghatkopareye clinic in ghatkopar

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Uterine Artery Embolisation (UAE) And Ablation Treatment In Delhi

It is a minimally invasive treatment for uterine fibroids, noncancerous growths in the uterus. It uses a common femoral artery puncture. Super selective embolisation of Uterine arteries is done to block the fibroid blood vessels, starving the fibroids and causing them to shrink and die.

Why (Indications)?

  • Large fibroids with bulky uterus causing increased frequency of urine, pain , increased and heavy menstruation.
  • Adenomyosis
  • Uterine AVM
  • RPOC (retained products of conception)

Why Not (Contraindications)?

Avoid uterine artery embolization if you:

  • Are pregnant
  • Have possible pelvic cancer
  • Have an active, recent or chronic pelvic infection
  • Are allergic to contrast material containing iodine

What you are to do before procedure (Preparation)?

  1. Book prior appointment if elective or get admission in causality if emergency
  2. Lab investigation (*PT/INR, CBC, Serum Creatinine, Viral markers) and previous records. An MRI or ultrasound of the prostate gland.
  3. Urine test (urinalysis)
  4. 4-6 Hours fasting.
  5. If you are on blood thinner like Aspirin inform during appointment.
  6. One accompanying person
  7. Need to sign a consent form for procedure

Approx. Stay in hospital?

We have very fast and competent working team (Consultant, fellow, clinical assistant, technician and ward assistant) which provide you comfortable atmosphere and ease your nerves. Usual time of stay is around 1 day.


Mild Pain (usually ends within a day or two). In some patients pain may last for few weeks.

Vaginal discharge.

Post-embolization syndrome — characterized by low-grade fever, pain, fatigue, nausea and vomiting — about 48 hours after the procedure and usually resolve on its own within a week.

Resume to work?

You can resume your work after 2-3 days if existing disease allows.


  • Symptoms such as heavy bleeding, urinary incontinence and abdominal enlargement are relieved  in the first three months after treatment. These results appear to be comparable to that of myomectomy, in which the fibroids are surgically removed and the uterus repaired.
  • Your menstrual period may continue on its normal schedule. If you miss any periods, they will probably resume within a few months.
  • There is low risk of  subtle ovarian damage which may make getting pregnant more difficult. Despite these risks, many women have had successful pregnancies after uterine artery embolization.


What is it?

  • Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) and microwave ablation (MWA) are treatments that use image guidance to place a needle through the skin into fibroid
  • In RFA, high-frequency electrical currents are passed through an electrode in the needle, creating a small region of heat.
  • In MWA, microwaves are created from the needle to create a small region of heat. The heat destroys the liver cancer cells.
  • RFA and MWA are effective treatment options for patients who might have difficulty with surgery
  • The success rate is greater than 85 percent.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Retinal Detachment Treatment in Mumbai


Knowing The Causes Of RetinalDetachment

Knowing The Causes Of Retinal Detachment

Retinal detachment is a medical emergency condition and lack or delay in treatment may lead to permanent vision loss. The patient should immediately visit the retina surgeon in Mumbai if he experiences the symptoms of retinal detachmentThe condition results in partial loss of vision due to the detachment of the retina from the back of the eye. This results in a lack of essential nutrients to the retina. There are various causes of retinal detachment. Some causes have a direct impact on developing this condition while others act as a contributory factor and increase the overall risk for developing a retinal detachment.

What Are The Various Types Of Retinal Detachment?

Retinal detachment is of the following types:

Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment: This type of retinal detachment occurs when there is a retinal break. The retinal break allows the fluid of the vitreous cavity to flow under the retina leading to detachment of the retina from the choroid. Surgery is required in such type of retinal detachment.

Tractional retinal detachment: The condition is caused due to various factors including diabetes, trauma, sickle cell retinopathy, and Eale’s disease. In this type of retinal detachment, a pre-retinal membrane is formed that pulls the retina from its attachment. The condition requires surgical intervention.

Exudative and serous retinal detachments: This is a less common type of retinal detachment. This type of retinal detachment occurs due to a problem in blood supply or water transport across retinal pigment epithelium.

How Would You Know That You Have Retinal Detachment?

Any change in the vision should be immediately informed to the ophthalmologist and suitable advice and treatment should be taken. Following are some of the symptoms that may occur due to retinal detachment:

The appearance of floaters: Floaters are the clump of cells that may occur due to retinal detachment. However, it is not the exclusive symptom of retinal detachment as floaters may also develop due to other conditions such as vitreous detachment.

Reduced Peripheral vision: People with retinal detachment have reduced peripheral vision. The condition is also known as tunnel vision. The patient has no problem with the central vision; however, the peripheral vision progressively gets reduced.

Flashes of eyes: Flashes of light in the vision of the patient are also another symptom of a detached retina.  This symptom is more pronounced during dim light or in the dark. 
Curtain like a shadow on your vision filed: This is the main difference between the vitreous detachment and retinal detachment. The patient suffering from retinal detachment experiences a curtain on the field of vision.

Blurred vision: The patient with retinal detachment also experiences blurred vision and has a reduced night-time vision.

What Are The Direct Causes Of Retinal Detachment?

Following are the direct causes of retinal detachment:

Hole in the retina: Retina is a continuous sensitive layer attached to its base. Any hole or tear in the retina allows the fluid from the vitreous cavity to flow beneath the retina. This may result in the initiation of retinal detachment.

Fluid accumulation behind retina: In this condition, there is no tear or breakage in the retina. The injury or inflammation in the retina cause accumulation of fluid leading to detachment of the retina from its base.

Contraction of scar tissue: The scar tissue is formed on the retina. This scar tissue contracts the retina leading to its detachment.

The most common cause for retinal detachment is the hole or tear in the retina.

What Are The Contributing Factors For Retinal Detachment?

Following are some of the contributing factors that increase the risk of retinal detachment:

Age: Retinal detachment is commonly seen in people with age greater than 50 years.

Family historyPeople who have a history of retinal detachment in the family are at increased risk for developing this condition.

Underlying conditions: Extremely myopic People are at increased risk of developing a retinal detachment. Risk is also increased in patients with other eye diseases including uveitis, degenerative myopia, lattice degeneration, vitreous detachment, and retinoschisis. People suffering from advanced diabetes or with prolonged uncontrolled diabetes are at increased risk of developing a retinal detachment.

Trauma: People who have suffered either a severe eye injury of a head injury may develop a retinal detachment.

Medical History: People who have suffered from retinal detachment in the past or have undergone ocular surgery are at increased risk for developing a retinal detachment.

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Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Botox and Fillers Treatment in Delhi

 Anti aging Treatment in Delhi

Nobody wants to get old and loose his or her beauty, but it is the nature’s cycle which cannot be changed. What best we can do is to age gracefully by either delaying or hiding the signs of aging which to some extent will help us to go on in our fast-paced life with inner confidence.

To defer the signs of aging or to conceal the already appeared signs there are number of procedures which could be either surgical or non-surgical. Also, there are many cosmetic products available which helps to maintain the youthful appearance.

Before selecting any product or procedure we should know that as we grow old or more precisely to say as our tissues grow old, they lose their elasticity and become lax and with the effect of gravity in place they start sagging down giving us an aged look.

There are number of changes which one notice like appearance of wrinkles over skin, hollow appearance due to loss of fat, sagging of skin etc. and depending on the change the treatment is planned.

Commonly sort procedures are:

Anti-wrinkle injections

This medication as the name suggest are injected into the target areas which help to decrease or smoothen out the dynamic wrinkles over face by weakening the underlying hyperactive muscle producing wrinkles, there by giving the smoother appearance of the involved region. This medication is derived from the Clostridium botulinum.

Most common areas treated with this but not limited to are:

  • Forehead lines/wrinkles
  • Frown lines
  • Crow’s feet lines
  • Marionette lines (Corners of mouth)
  • Hypertrophy of cheek muscle (masseter hypertrophy)

Dermal Fillers

These are synthetic material (Hyaluronic Acid compounds) with different consistencies specific for areas which are used to replace the lost tissue volume to give fuller and more youthfulappearance.

Commonly treated area with dermal fillers are:

  • Tear trough area (under eye hollowness)
  • Lip enhancement and definition (Plump lips)
  • Nasolabial folds
  • Cheek enhancement

Fat grafting

Fat grafting has gained much popularity due to the reason of its being natural and harvested from one’s own body, the results are usually permanent and no feeling of foreign body inside. In this the fat is harvested either as a standalone procedure or can be combined with liposuction procedure where fat harvested from area of unwanted fat can be used to fill the area where there is volume loss. Fat need to be processed and liquified before injected. Fat grafting is commonly used for periorbital rejuvenation, cheek volume replacement, depressed scar corrections, hand and feet rejuvenation and many more.

TAG : Botox and Fillers Treatment in DelhiCosmetic surgeon in delhi,Plastic surgeon in delhi

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How do you know if you have hernia that needs surgery?

 Have you ever wondered if the pain in your stomach or groin might be a hernia? Although symptoms can differ, hernias are frequent in both men and women. Women are far less likely to have groin hernias. Hernias may cause some degree of discomfort and do not go away on their own.

The positive news.  Almost all hernias can be treated surgically.  Continue reading this article to know the most typical types of hernias, how to spot them in both men and women, and what to expect from surgery and recuperation.

A hernia is what?

The layers of muscle and strong tissue that cover your abdomen let you move and shield inside organs. An opening in this muscular wall, known as a hernia, enables the contents of the abdomen to protrude outward. Hernias are of different types, but the belly or groin region is where they seem to manifest themselves most frequently.

What Does an Abdominal or Belly Hernia (Ventral) Feel Like?

A protrusion along the exterior of the abdomen may be felt or seen if you have a ventral hernia in the belly area. Patients with ventral hernias frequently report feeling pressure, discomfort, or moderate pain in the herniated area. Any activity that strains the abdomen, such as hard lifting, sprinting, or pressing down during bowel motions, makes pain. While some people have a bulge, they are not uncomfortable.

Who is more susceptible to developing a ventral hernia?

A ventral hernia can occur in anyone, although people who have had abdominal surgery are at greater risk. The scar from an abdominal wall disruption incision will never be as resilient as the surrounding tissue. This increases your risk of getting an incisional hernia, which develops along the incision site. Up to 30% of people who undergo open abdominal surgery experience this.

How can an inguinal hernia (groin bulge) be detected?

It’s crucial to recognize that both men and women can get inguinal hernias. People frequently think that only men develop them, and they do have a higher risk due to anatomical factors. Inguinal hernias can, however, occur in women as well.

Since women typically exhibit different symptoms than men do, many specialists concur that there is a good chance that this ailment is under diagnosed in women. Women might not have an obvious bulge. An MRI can offer conclusive proof if symptoms point to a potential hernia but your doctor is unable to confirm it during an examination.

Signs in Men

  • a visible or tangible bulge
  • throbbing pain in the area
  • a feeling of pressure
  • a feeling of the scrotum tugging on the testicles
  • actions that put pressure on the area, such as heavy lifting, pushing, or straining, cause pain that gets worse

Signs in Women

  • Sharp or aching pain
  • burning feeling
  • a bulge at the hernia site, while a groin hernia may not have one.
  • discomfort that gets worse as you move around

What symptoms indicate a hernia emergency?

Internal fat tissue typically pushes through the muscle breach when a hernia first develops. However, it’s also possible for a portion of the bowel to stick out of the opening. Although the likelihood of this is extremely low, if it does occur, urgent repairs are required.

If you have any of these symptoms then get medical help right away.

  • a throbbing pain that doesn’t go away when you relax or lie down
  • increasing pain
  • vomiting and/or nauseous
  • difficulty going to the bathroom
  • Bloating
  • rapid heartbeat
  • Fever

What can be done to prevent a hernia?

  • By eating a nutritious diet and exercising, you can keep your optimal body weight.
  • To prevent constipation, consume adequate fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • When lifting weights or large objects, use proper form. Don’t lift anything that is too heavy for you.
  • Consult a doctor if you have a cough or sneeze that won’t go away.
  • Avoid smoking because the habit might cause coughing that can cause a hernia.

Hernia treatment in Ranchi at Orchid Medical Centre

If you are experiencing any symptoms related to hernia, consult one of the best hernia specialists in Ranchi at Orchid Medical Centre. Best hernia treatment in Ranchi available at affordable rates.

TAG- Hernia treatment in Ranchi, Best Hospital in Ranchi

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Monday, December 19, 2022

Brain Tumor Surgery In India

  Brain Tumor

A brain tumor is a mass or lump that forms inside the skull. Brain tumors can be cancerous or non-cancerous. It can cause a variety of symptoms, depending on their size and location. Treatment for brain tumors depends on the type and severity of the tumor.

Types of Brain Tumors

There are different types of brain tumors. The most common type is called a glioma. Gliomas start in the glial cells, which are the cells that surround and support nerve cells. Other types of brain tumors include:

Astrocytoma: Astrocytomas are tumors that develop from star-shaped cells called astrocytes. These tumors can occur in any part of the brain or spinal cord, but most often occur in the brain. Astrocytomas can be benign (not cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). They can grow slowly or rapidly, and can cause a variety of symptoms, depending on where they are located in the brain. Treatment for astrocytomas depends on the type and size of the tumor, as well as on the patient's age and health.

Oligodendroglioma: An oligodendroglioma is a tumor that starts in the cells that cover and protect nerve fibers in the brain. These tumors are usually slow growing and may not cause any problems for many years. However, if they grow large enough, they can cause problems such as seizures, headaches, or problems with balance and coordination. Oligodendrogliomas are classified as either low grade or high grade. Low grade tumors are less likely to spread than high grade tumors.

Ependymoma: Ependymomas are tumors that form in the cells that line the fluid-filled cavities of the brain and spinal cord. They can occur in any age group, but are most common in children and young adults. Symptoms vary depending on the location and size of the tumor, but may include headache, nausea, vomiting, seizures, and problems with balance and walking. Ependymomas are classified as either low-grade or high-grade, depending on how quickly they grow and how aggressive they are. Treatment typically includes surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.

Medulloblastoma: Medulloblastoma is a type of brain tumor that begins in the cerebellum, the part of the brain that controls balance and coordination. The tumor is most often found in children, but can occur in adults as well. Symptoms may include headache, nausea, vomiting, and difficulty walking. Treatment typically includes surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.

Symptoms of Brain Tumors

Brain tumors are often difficult to detect, as their symptoms can be similar to those of other conditions. Some common symptoms of a brain tumor include headaches, nausea, vomiting, seizures, and changes in mental status. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to see a doctor right away for diagnosis and treatment.

Causes of Brain Tumours

There are many causes of brain tumours. Some are known and some are still being studied. Some of the known causes include genetics, lifestyle choices, and exposure to radiation or other carcinogens. Brain tumours can also develop from birth defects or from changes in the cells in the brain. More research is needed to determine all of the causes of brain tumours.

Brain Tumor Treatment in India

There are various types of brain tumors, and the treatment options depend on the type of tumor. Some tumors can be treated with surgery, while others may require radiation therapy or chemotherapy. If a tumor cannot be removed surgically, radiation therapy or chemotherapy may be used to try to shrink the tumor. In some cases, a combination of treatments may be used.

Brain Tumor Surgery : The most common type of treatment is surgery. This is when the tumor is removed from the brain. Sometimes, the tumor can be removed completely. But, sometimes, part of the tumor must be left in place because it's too close to important structures in the brain.

Radiation Therapy : Another common treatment for brain tumors is radiation therapy. This is when radiation is used to kill cancer cells. It can be given as a pill, injection, or through a machine that directs radiation beams at the tumor.

Chemotherapy : A third type of treatment is chemotherapy. This is when drugs are used to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy can be given as a pill or through a needle in your vein (IV).

Brain Tumor Surgery in India

Brain tumor surgery is a procedure to remove a tumor from the brain. The surgery for brain tumor can be either open or minimally invasive. In open surgery, the surgeon makes a large incision in the scalp and removes the tumor. This type of surgery is usually used when the tumor is large or located in a difficult-to-reach area. Minimally invasive surgery is performed through small incisions using specialized instruments. This type of surgery is less invasive and causes less damage to the surrounding tissues.

Brain tumor surgery is a delicate procedure that should only be performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon. Dr. VK Jain is one of the best brain tumor surgeons in India and has many years of experience in this field. He has successfully performed many brain tumor surgeries and has a very high success rate. His patients have always been happy with the results of their surgery and have praised his surgical skills. If you are looking for brain tumour surgery in India, then make an appointment with Dr. VK Jain today.

Brain Tumor Surgery Cost in India

There are different types of brain tumor and the cost of surgery for each type would vary. The most common type of brain tumor is the glioma. This tumor arises from the glial cells in the brain. Surgery is usually recommended for tumors that are located in areas that can be safely reached without damaging essential functions.

The cost of brain tumor surgery in India varies depending on the hospital and the type of surgery. However, it is typically much less expensive than in developed countries. This is partly because of the lower cost of living in India, and partly because of the growing medical tourism industry.

Prognosis for Brain Tumors

The prognosis for brain tumors can be difficult to determine. The tumor itself, as well as its location and size, play a role in determining the outlook for a patient. Generally speaking, the earlier a brain tumor is diagnosed, the better the prognosis. Some tumors are more likely to recur than others, but most brain tumors can be treated successfully if caught early. There are a variety of treatments available for brain tumors, including surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to treating these tumors and what works for one person may not work for another. It is important for patients with brain tumors to seek treatment from a qualified surgeon only who can create a treatment plan tailored specifically for them.

Tag : Brain Tumor Surgery In India, Best Brain Tumor Surgeon in India

Hair Transplant Surgery

Getting bald can be very distressing to anybody, and if it happens at an early age it may severely affect your confidence. Hair loss can occur both in men and women though it is more common in men.

One of the most common cause of hair loss in men is androgenic alopecia which is hereditary. Other causes include trauma, chemotherapy, scalp infections, medical conditions and stress.

Hair treatment can be broadly classified into 2 categories:

  • Prevention of hair loss
  • Surgical restoration of hair

Preventive therapy

This therapy is offered to those patients who are in initial stage of hair thinning & falling of hair.

In this patient medical condition, risk factors for hair loss is assessed and treated accordingly. In this line of treatment patient is prescribed multivitamins, hair booster vitamins, topical minoxidil, oral 5 alpha reductase inhibitors. These products can either be prescribed as a monotherapy or in combination depending on severity of hair loss.

PRP (Platelet rich plasma): This procedure is helpful in both preventing hair fall and can also be used as an adjunct therapy after hair transplant for improving the growth of transplanted hairs. In this procedure patient own blood is taken and processed to get the platelet rich plasma which is then injected into the affected area of scalp after numbing it. This PRP has numerous growth factors which helps in prevention of hair fall, improving the thickness of hair and may also help in growth of hair follicles. It is a short procedure and can be done on opd basis. Multiple sitting is required for satisfactory results to be seen.

Hair transplant (Surgical restoration of hair)

Hair transplant is the surgical procedure in which patient’s own hair from back of scalp is harvested and placed in the bald region over front and side of scalp. Hair transplant is offered to those patients who present with chronic hair loss, receded hair line, medically fit patients, in which hair loss has become stable.

As the procedure uses the own natural hair, the transplanted hair grow naturally and the result are permanent. The donor area is chosen from back of scalp as that area has inherent resistance to effect of androgen and do not fall so hairs taken from this area gives permanent results.

Techniques of hair transplant

FUT (Follicular unit transplant): In FUT the strip of hair is taken from back of your scalp and then under microscope small slices of that strip is made and then each follicle is cut and separated. The donor site closed by a special technique of trichophytic closure which leave very thin and fine scar and due to this technique hair regrow through the scar thus leaving almost invisible scar. This advantage of this technique is that we get large number of hair follicles with better yield and chances of trauma to hair roots is minimal as harvesting of follicle is done under vision.

FUE (Follicular unit extraction): In this procedure the donor area on back of your scalp is marked and shaved. Now the special motorized punch is used to core out individual hair follicular unit keeping normal hair in between. Though this technique is propagated as a scar less technique but there are multiple punch holes which are present which gradually heals but may leave small multiple scars.

In case where bald area is large then it may be necessary to combine both FUT and FUE to achieve more no. of follicles. It may sometime be necessary to harvest follicles from beard and neck area.


Once the decision of hair transplant is finalized after all consultations with your plastic surgeon, the procedure is planned which could be either FUT or FUE or combined depending upon requirement. The day of the surgery starts with marking of areas over scalp which need to be transplanted and discussed with the patient.

Hair transplant procedure is a 6-8 hours surgery depending upon the area to be covered. The procedure is done under specially prepared long duration local anesthesia. Once the scalp in anesthetized, the patient is made to lie down in prone position and if FUT is planned then the donor strip is harvested from back of scalp and the donor area is closed very neatly by a special trichophytic closure which has the advantage of barely visible scar after healing. In FUE technique, follicles are harvested from the backside of scalp with help of motorized punch.

Once the hair follicles are harvested, patient is given a break during which time the hair follicles are prepared and separated in the single, double, and triple units. After refreshment patient is made to lie down in supine position and slits are made in proposed area over scalp. Once the follicles are ready for transplantation the transplant of hair is started starting from frontal hair line area and progressing backward. The dressing is applied to the donor area and a band is applied over forehead region to prevent swelling. The patient is discharged on the same day with discharge medications and is reviewed in 3rd day.

What to expect after hair transplant procedure?

After your hair transplant surgery is done there might be some swelling which usually settles in 3-4 days. Sutures if any will be removed in 10 days’ time. You may be given topical medication as well as oral medication for improved hair growth.

One might notice the fall of transplanted hair at around 2 to 4 weeks of transplant but the root of hair remains inside. The new hair growth usually starts from 3rd to 4th month after the procedure and continues to grow till 6-8 months and may take up to 1 year for final results.

TAG- Plastic Surgeon In Delhi, Cosmetic Surgeon In Delhi 

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